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Hello everybody, today and tomorrow we will post the models of the month, we had to post basically all together because of unforeseen events that happened this month.

As some of you know my father is fighting against a severe diabetes for some time and because of that he is losing the vision of both eyes, this month he had a stroke that made him lose 100% of the vision of one eye and is with 35% of the vision of the other, we are running in hospitals to try to save the vision of at least one of his eyes, we managed to do the first part of the laser treatment this month.

Also this month, my computer that I have been using for a while overloaded and corrupted more than half of the models this month so we had to work much harder for the second time to remake the models in time. Thankfully we managed and today and tomorrow we will be posting them and many extras as well.

We thank you all for your support, we are trying to bring you quality work, creating new ideas and studying to bring more models per month soon.

We thank you that this year we managed to open the Patreon that we were trying for two years to do, and I really appreciate the support of each one of you, we promise from this new year to bring something much better, we will strive even harder.

Have a great start of the year, may you be able to accomplish everything you wish in this new phase, may you have love and support from your family and friends and may you have a healthy and happy life.

Be well and thank you all !!!



Leila Lombardo

Sinta se abraçado amigo, sei como é, minha mãe conseguiu a operação pelo hospital publico pois está com problemas na visão também. Espero que seu pai fique bom logo. Um otimo ano novo para vc e sua familia.

Printer Witch

Hope your Dad is doing well. Family and health is so important. Happy new year.