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Whoa! You scared me, popping up out of nowhere like that. You look kinda strange. Maybe it's your eyes? That stare is super intense. What do you want with me anyways?

Sorry - did you just say you're an....alien on a mission?! What?? You've gotta be kidding me. I must be hallucinating, or having a weird dream, or something. But let's say I believe you. What is this "mission" all about? 

.......you're collecting data on human breasts?????? THAT'S your mission? You just want to touch some tits?! Are you really telling me to take my top off for the advancement of your alien species?

Well, fine. I guess I'm stripping for an alien today. 

LINK: https://mega.nz/#P!AgECfAdVOtnMDPdjTcvY-oPaPD8fYgLwwBstCmj0kQi-6PvSMUe1-bBfTsVpREKSmS0-aejSdJxUMvKfb-ojG0LQHcNEgJnRIaFdS2tOT6fGMXgpxwUpyNIoPnsrGYEFOpCMwpRaz0s

PASS: ExploratoryBoobMission?!


hi hey hello :)

how y'all doin! this week, i changed out my valentine's background set for a more spring-time look. i am sure y'all will see it soon :) i've also  been working hard on a cosplay for a certain fruit-type princess :P can't wait to show u all as soon as i get the details right :D

hope everyone enjoys this silly vid. ♡♡ i love doing these random ideas cause i have fun being creative :) 

still telling myself daily that 2024 is going to be a great year for me and all the melons as well!!!!! xoxoxoxo


p.s. everyone seems like they are being extra extra nice to me recently and it's made me feel so happy! i've gotten some especially lovely comments and messages & i just wanted to say thank u :) how grateful i am to have such nice people looking out for me (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*。




Hm. Heh. Shiny. Oh? Ah, yes. Yes, FOR THE GLORY OF SCIENCE! We thank you for this chance at advancement. Also, it's amazing how supportive people can be when you start creating and build a community around what you make. I know it still surprises me sometimes how great my own friends that I've managed to find online are. You just keep on doing what you're doing, and 2024 will be awesome, indeed.


Nice! Always appreciate when your videos include a little striptease 😁

Mel Marie ASMR

gotta do it for science, right??? happy to hear you have awesome online buddies :D i'm really shy IRL so i'm extra grateful for all the virtual connections i have with people. makes life feel a lot less lonely!!

Mel Marie ASMR

me too!!! ive had this idea for a "club asmr/stripper mel" video for ages and ages but i can't figure out how to make it happen. wish i had a whole studio and camera setup instead of just the corner of my bedroom!! LOL