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omg were you trying to sneak a peek under my skirt?!? also, how are you so tiny??? 

oh this is fun. I'm gonna stomp on you in my high heels and my bare feet ♡♡


PASS: Squ!shyT0es


hi hi :) 

hope everyone's 2024 is off to an amazing start! i've been planning my valentines content & redoing my background from xmas to valentines themed :) you are all my valentines, this year and every year of course! i could never feel alone that way, hope u feel the same xx ♡♡

i'm just gonna be real with y'all. i am currently very sad and overwhelmed. life has just been heavy for a long time and i think i'm a bit burned out. but i still want to be here, and i am trying my best to feel better physically and emotionally :) i will not give up! i'm determined to get my ish together :P

finally i was nervous to post this video bc i almost never post feet. so plz be kind! hahaha i know it's not everyone's thing so hopefully you can still enjoy :) i am personally a huge fan of up skirt stuff so i have been wanting to make a vid like this for a while xx 






Aw, it sucks to hear you're not doing too well. I think we can say we all know that feeling at this point. I know it's probably played out to death, but the power of positive thinking and trying to change your perspective really can make a difference. Look up 'neuroplasticity' in google, there's a lot of cool (and more importantly, short) videos talking about it. Taking a quick break and taking ten deep breaths also makes a world of difference when you're feeling overwhelmed. Stay strong! Now. Ahem. Firstly, it probably says a lot about my small magpie-brain that the very first thing I zeroed in on were the earrings lol. Also: "i am personally a huge fan of up skirt stuff". I see you, too, are a person of culture. While I'm not personally into feet myself, I did find the whole 'shrinking' angle (pun intended) to be interesting. It's nice when creators put that effort in rather than just doing the whole 'you're a bad boy Imma step on you' schtick. And the photos are, as always, lovely. There's something about the way you do your eye makeup that really draws the, uh, I don't wanna say 'eye' again, so, gaze? Yeah, draws the gaze. Anyway! It's always great to see you post. Really looking forward to seeing what our 'valentine's present' is this year, and I hope you feel a little better soon


Love the upskirt! Wishing you well Mel, you're always in our hearts 💕

Mel Marie ASMR

hahaha ok i c u fellow cultured person ;) thank you for the encouragement!! you're right about the deep breaths. i'm always telling y'all to breathe deeply in my vids but sometimes i forget myself! LOL