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hey y'all!

1. can u spot my my cat Sushi in the photo ? i usually take photos on a timer. right after i clicked this one, he barged into my room & he was soooo proud of himself for interrupting. i couldn't help but laugh :)

2. here is a very chill, very sleepy behind-the-scenes Mel from around halloween time !! thought i would share this silly vid to help me ease back into things. hope i can make u smile ♡♡

LINK: https://mega.nz/#P!AgGTPHcRloK6iTErlWial6jI1HZw1h5NwWNEe6NiCBr5cMHHH2W6fgU-rJ4tajg2weCKBEez_1CIkvox4jjkNjmVqa3HATddEf1Ky3i5tGqFJoRG1iDcNr0-b55egYTopURLdKifDLE

PASS: Un-MakeupwithMe!


recovery is not going as quickly as i'd hoped, but i am getting my strength back little by little each day. it was a particularly exhausting battle this time bc even after i got discharged from the hospital i couldn't keep food/water down for a few days. but on the bright side, i got to watch some good tv recently :D here's my quick (no spoilers !) reviews, just for funsies:

The Expanse: I just finished the final season!!!! holy cow i didn't expect to love this show as much as i did. i was so engaged cause almost everything is "believable" despite the sci-fi. i was very impressed how all of the details tied together - even seeds that were planted in the first seasons became important. Miller is my favorite character so u can imagine i went on a bit of an emotional roller coaster throughout the show. Chrisjen is such a badass & I want the old Arjun back. Amos is a great person to have on your team, and a lot more sensible than the rest of them give him credit! Drummer makes me want to do a Drummer cosplay, she's too cool :P the only part that dragged for me was Naomi's storyline in the 5/6th seasons. & i think Naomi/Holden have ZERO chemistry LOL. the ending left me wanting more!! this is my fav show i have watched in a loooooong time.

House of Villains: I cannot believe they got all of these people together in one house!!! I thought it would be a mess but it's camp. New York's descriptive insults, a church choir rendition of "I don't get no sleep cause of y'all", Jonny Fairplay crying over a pinball machine, the losing contestants getting flipped through a dungeon wall, what more could u want ??

Drag Race:

-Canada: new season looks exciting!!! wondering what the golden beaver nonsense will mean. looking forward to Brooke Lynn, TraciBot, and "real friend" Brad telepathically deciding the lip sync winners each week (only slightly sarcastic hehe). but why is the lighting so weird on this version of the show?? some of those entrance looks were INSANE. & knowing Kiki Coe made Isis Couture's looks makes me want to root for her.

-UK: there's a really clear front runner imo! but this season has been pretty mediocre for me so far. Tomara makes me giggle bc she's so over the top. I thought that having Switchboard volunteers on the show was very sweet, i have a special place in my heart for helpline volunteers. i'll watch til the end to see who gets crowned but probably won't end up being a fav season of mine tbh.

i'll spare you a review of the Fairy Tail episodes i watched that i've seen a million times ;) hope everyone is doing well !!! i'm very focused on getting better so that i can get back to making content. yeah it's my job, but i genuinely love it too. there's nothing more frustrating than when my own body revolts against me! but every day is a bit better.

thanks for being here, thanks for being you ♡♡ xx




Sleepy Wil

Aw mel!! you always make me smile, don't worry about that ^_^ I hope you're feeling a bit better now and that recovery is smooth and easy for you :) 💗 Oh gosh, the expanse was filmed in Toronto! My co-prof and I would take our advanced cinematography students there every year for a tour with the show's lead director of photography who was a grad of our program :D I've only seen the first season myself, but the sets were rad. I'm glad to hear it's a show you enjoy, I'm gonna have to finish it one day ^_^


The Expanse is incredible! Too incredible; I don't want to finish the last seasons and have it all end I just started watching Arcane. I was skeptical but heard a lot of good things about it, and it's been a lot of fun so far Hope you're continuing to get your strength back and feeling better