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wanna play a spooky, sexy, silly little game? ;)

LINK: https://mega.nz/#P!AgFW-HLFNoqceTm_EFWBCfg0fCLXNAVR3ytcKrx4T2zqNZsbqgmIWFDLFm_-0enrLx-Gt7yEMPCyRXF1tRrzU6_skM-M7aVIP_ba9AATLkD0IwxTGZlxXJlSiUzi11OEejStLnI5l3g

PASS: sp00kysznWYR?


hope everyone joins in to share, it's always so fun to read y'all's answers :)

mel's answers: 

1. snakes. I've had some nasty spider bites and i really don't wanna feel their crawly legs on me :( yucky

2. vampire !!! heck i'm already halfway there i'm pale with an iron deficiency 

3. ghost. what are they gonna do, boo at me? turn the lights off? rattle a few lampshades? i'll survive

4. touched but not seen. being invisible would be difficult...but losing the ability to have a physical connection would be too cruel !

5. jack o lantern. i bet some strong boots and a good stomp would put the him down :P plus who knows, the skeleton probably has a height advantage on me 

6. lusty busty succubus! that sounds like fun

7. bed. my bed lays flat on the ground so it would have to be a teeny monster or a verrrrrrry thin one & i think i can live with that LOL 

8. i would take it! you'll keep me safe, right? ♡♡

let's make it a great week this week !! i care abt y'all. be kind to yourselves. c u soon ♡♡




Sleepy Wil

1) Spiders! If I get a radioactive bite, I’d rather become a spider-man than snake-man :P 2) Vampire. The ability to fly as a bat? Nice. Live forever and have a legacy of epic battles with vampire hunters? Nice. Also Mel, you’d make a lovely vampire since you already have the ability to hypnotize anyone you want ;P 3) Ahh tough one. I’ve always wanted to try and vacuum up a ghost, but I’d also be down to fight a demon in hand-to-claw combat. 4) Touched/not seen. If I can be heard, I could settle :P (You waved your hands when you asked this question and entranced me a lil mel hehe ^_^’ ) 5) Jack-o-lantern! I’d take a baseball bat to it, piñata style ;P 6) Oh, plaything for the succubus - that does sound fun ^_^ and less blood loss! 7) My bed’s also flat on the ground! I like it that way :P But also closet. I’d seal it away to keep the smell and sound out. I’m not letting that thing interrupt my sleep ;P 8) Oh mel, I’d take the pill for you in a heartbeat. <3 Oh mel, this was so so fun! Bring on the weird, fun, sexy questions anytime ^_^

Mel Marie ASMR

omg not vacuuming the ghost! why am i picturing you standing on a chair holding the vacuum up trying to get it LOL. i like your answers, very entertaining :)


1.snakes no leg and might even be confortable for a moment 2. vampire so i can still be sociable and profit of it 3. ghost i'm sure they are good one 4. touched but not seen. A nice start for a love story 5. Skeleton have good loot 6. succubus (no explanation) 7. The bed i never need to go under it 8. You would i would listen to you anyway ! And carry you around!