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Hello Participant 300. Welcome to my Tickle Clinic. I see in my notes that this is your first session, so I'd like to extend my gratitude for your participation in my research. I look forward to all the wonderful tickle data that's yet to be collected from you.

I'll be exploring your body - every inch - to test your responses. I'll run a few different experiments on you, all focused around tickling. I'm not sure if you're aware but tickling can cause very....interesting reactions. 

Shall we get started?

LINK: https://mega.nz/#P!AgFCuFcAuJHIHoJsU3HuLQ2HZnMRFRyXQDRCWZpAwXCTfyjJgjNebIpYJbBYjqzcNma3JLooMJIrXgAoyGnrBmv521ffKqAV5knvJkDdprjucOtHgW5hIDhgw_Ino9HkwMTkr3sWRLA

PASS: xTheT!ckleClinicIsOpenx


heya !! 

new character alert :D what do we think of the tickle researcher? would you like to participate in another session ?!? it's all for science ;)

hope everyone had an amazing weekend ♡♡ it's been very hot and sunny here recently, but i know as it gets closer to fall it will start to rain and be dark again. i got to go to the bookstore and i picked up some new manga which was very fun !!! i also beat TOTK, and i think i will go back to playing final fantasy again now :)

life can get overwhelming, so don't forget to breathe. you're awesome, and you're gonna rock this week !!! ya ya !!! 

(♥ω♥ ) ~♪





Loved it! Would love to see where she takes her study… Also, late happy birthday! Hope it was wonderful ! Missed commenting but loved your Ariel photo shoot! Did you ever finish FFX, I don’t remember?

Mel Marie ASMR

tysm!! i just saw this - no i haven't finished yet, i had to take a break while i moved and then i got wrapped up in TOTK :P but i'm 100% going back to finish it, will give an update when i do xx

Danny Coffey

Anyone getting transfer quota exceeded and you have wait 5 hrs or upgrade MEGA?