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hey everyone, mel here wanting to chat. i've been on patreon for a while now, and it's been amazing. on the occasion that i have a negative experience or interaction on this platform i just keep it to myself because i don't like to draw attention to that.

i've had a few interactions recently that were a little intense, so I'd like to say this: my videos are just for fun. i love doing this, and this space is very lighthearted. i make a bunch of kinds of videos, explore different kinks, play with different ideas. i make up characters and stories, and dream up different video scenarios to try and keep things interesting. it is all supposed to be fun, fantasy, entertainment, an escape. 

if you don't like a video i made, thats ok!! i have created lots of different scenarios at this point, and there is no way i could appeal to everyone with every video. i do my best, and i know that i might not be able to please everyone. all that being said,  if you feel the need to insult me personally based on a patron video, or are pointing out my supposed flaws based on the characters in my videos, it's probably best to unsubscribe. no hard feelings, i understand.

i feel weird even addressing this publicly. but my patreon is for fun, y'all. if it's not fun for you, it's okay to take a step back from engaging with my content. just wanted to check in and recalibrate things back to being lighthearted. 

hope everyone has had a lovely weekend, looking forward to posting this week's video xx




I guess there are a lot of unhappy people out there, and when someone is too isolated he/she can lose touch with reality a bit and not know what's real and what's fantasy. Hope you're okay. These are tough times.