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should we meet up at this hotel again next weekend? ;) i'm free anytime, if you're the one asking. and i'm always available for room service.


hi everyone!

thank you so much for understanding that i wasn't feeling well. i took some time to sort some things out in my personal life, and i'm doing better. one really awesome update is that i'm moving!!! when i left TX i had to find an apt very quickly, didn't have a lot of options, so my current apt complex is not well maintained and not very safe. the apt im moving into is the same rent, but is quieter, bigger, safer area, and has a washer dryer in unit (cries tears of joy!!!!). 

i'm hoping things are about to get much better for me - that my new place will feel more like home and also make whispering into my little microphone a lot easier. :D so thanks for sticking with me. i'll be moving over the next two weeks, but not to worry, i've got videos and photos prepared for u all ♡♡ expect a video posted tomorrow night!! 

but u wanna know why i was at a hotel...??? actually getting to leave my apt for once???????? BECAUSE I SAW TWICE IN CONCERT!!!! twice has been my favorite kpop group for years now (blackpink is a close second) and seeing them live was the happiest and most meaningful experience. it was better than i ever could have imagined and it really felt like my dreams came true :) i am really grateful, i feel so lucky to have gotten tickets, cause it never would have happened without you.   

the weekend is almost here! we got this. whoop! talk again tomorrowwww




Thomas Milligan

Glad for the good news. Fingers crossed for you! Love the natural look!

Mel Marie ASMR

thank you!!! and that's nice to hear, i was a little apprehensive abt these pix since i didn't feel as fancy as usual LOL

Sleepy Wil

Oh Mel, I'm so happy for you! As you know, you deserve the best, and it's so cool you got to go out to a concert, for your favourite band no less!!! I hope this is all the start of the best new journey for you - I'm behind you all the way and cheering you on for all your dreams to come true ^_^ (Also you look amazing! Awesome hotel photoshoot haha :) )