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LINK: check the "Cuffed & Gagged" post for this video!

...when I'm gagged and have lost a very important key. ;)


hey everyone!!

hope u like the vid bc this one took some courage to post, i felt a little vulnerable (i'm sure u can see why LOL).

this video was...i think a little raunchier than most of the stuff i've done....so I decided it was time to create a separate youtube account just to host my patreon vids called "Mel Patreon ASMR"!! i think it's smart to separate my patron content from my main YouTube channel at this point - patron vids usually get demonetized and naturally get less views, both of which I believe are affecting my channel's back end analytics. i also would be literally up a creek without a paddle if my main channel ever got shut down for monetization issues, so i think i'll feel better posting these vids to a separate channel.

anyways, ta-da! when you use the link this time, it will be a new "secret" channel JUST for y'all hehe. i will probably take some time over the next few months to get my old patron videos uploaded onto this new, patron-only channel. but nothing should change on your end, i will just update the links on patreon as I go and everything should be A-OK!

thanks for all your help on my last poll :) you can expect the school girl photos this week!! will probably post them in 2 parts, cause i ended up taking a decent amount of pix. and then i'll get to the cow bikini photo shoot the next few weeks, since it seemed like that was a popular option too ♡


p.s. for anyone interested in my ffx playthrough progress i just kicked seymour's butt again. what a creep :P and i also recently just got back into acnh!! i decided to totally renovate my island, so that's a work in progress. :) it's funny, when we're sad, stressed, overworked, life's getting to us, etc...we forget about the things that make us happy. it's easy for me personally to get in a rut, where i can feel guilty about taking time to do small things I enjoy (like video games). but life is supposed to be fun!!!! and i've found that i do better at my work when i'm in a better headspace. so have some fun this week!!! and if you won't do it for yourself, then do it for me ok ♡ hehe


love to my patrons!!!




I almost watched it while it was still up and an hour later it got removed :c