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There's this girl at work that's just kind of...latched on to you. She always lights up when you walk in, and she asks how you slept each day. She will occasionally bring you little gifts and snacks and tends to follow you around. She's sweet, so you don't mind her too much, but sometimes it feels like you have a second shadow.

You've always politely declined her many invitations to see each other outside of work. However, a few days ago, she said she was having a small party at her place and that she really wished you would be there. You were going to let her down easy as usual, but then she looked so hopeful staring up at you... You found yourself nodding and agreeing to show up.

It's now the night of her party, and you arrive fashionably late. It seems weirdly quiet. You raise your hand to knock on the door, then pause. You're slightly apprehensive. You tell yourself it's too late to back out now. Besides, what's the worst that could happen? You knock on the door.

A half second later, it flings wide open. She's standing in the doorway looking breathless and excited. Wow, have you ever seen her dolled up before? She's cute. She greets you and pulls you inside, offering to take your coat.

You slip off your shoes and look around. There's no one else here - it's just you, and her.


PASS: SuggestiveCoworkerXOXO


hey hi howdy!

hope everyone is having a lovely weekend xx

I've got a fun idea for Delia the devious hypnotist, so I hope u are all ready for another session with her soon!!

i'm playing through final fantasy x for the first time and i'm really enjoying it. y'all know i love video games :) i kind of laugh when i think of all of the games i wasnt allowed to play growing up because they had "demons" or "witchcraft" or "magic" in them lol. the final fantasy series were some of the unlucky games banned from my house which is just so silly!!! i'm really glad that I don't have to live by those arbitrary rules anymore. and i will use this small ramble as a reminder to enjoy yourselves and have fun!!! don't worry too much about the pressure to conform to what others tell you. just be yourself :) and play video games if ya like them, dammit!!!

ok, stay safe, luv u ♡♡



love to my patrons!!!




You have the Midas touch, Mel ~ everything you create is gold.

Alan L

This is delicious 😍 an ideal fantasy ❤