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I've got a challenge for you today...

You have to stay quiet, no matter what I do to you.

Think you can handle it?

If you don't stay quiet, you'll get us both in trouble!

LINK: https://mega.nz/#P!AgFDLjAZnBjesDjuwdBKChLWf35J-fmjcgKh8xmf74XLN-AS3XMZ_Yu7jckDxDHT2AcETpRM9ULT9Bc9CHnP0-kuOPwLifJ3m9BN1-_sgzEzzPtgupuslwAuVaYwTNOVpzjZhfFOjzo

PASS: canYoukeepQui3t??


hi hi ^_^

i really like the playful and teasing vibe of this video, so please enjoy!!!

fun fact: after filming my cat got ahold of my feather duster and ripped it up because he loves feathers LOL. i think I can fix it, it wasn't too bad. he's such a little butthead. he's my lil buddy tho i love him despite his occasional destructive tendencies.

hopefully everyone had a nice weekend!! after i get this post up for y'all i'm going to finish the wig I was in the middle of styling. and then probably take my dog for a walk, even tho its snowy and cold :P

just a goal i wanted to share with you all: I'm really hoping to hit 10k subscribers on my youtube channel by the end of 2023. i try not to focus on the numbers too much, but i won't lie, it would mean a lot to me to achieve 10k. recently, my channel passed over 1 million views!!! and that was so exciting, it just got me thinking on if there's anything i want to accomplish. i'm so proud of my channel, and my patreon, and this community. I always want to keep going, keep getting better! you all really motivate me. thank u ♡

have a fantastic week y'all!!!



love to my patrons!!!




Officially have 8k followers on YouTube! 10K is just around the corner. 🦋🍻✨🌟

Danny Coffey

Has there been issues with mega? Cant get videos to load or not buffer but other platforms work. Just wondering