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Your incessant chatter is driving me up the wall. I've been practically begging you to stop talking at this point. I even said PLEASE. You know how hard it is for me to ask nicely.

Since you can't follow a simple request to zip it, you've worn my patience completely out. I'm not above taking drastic measures to make you shut up.

LINK: https://mega.nz/#P!AgHSZFTEiAoDGx0HQBtB4MzfLYks8Ro6yijy0Yww8fG7Ed6XUodalk9KD_qgdVpacf6CdP6Muc6vu1SjkJ__FADgq1TinfYweG0rstk9_zDjc21FGiVuDNKkpxeJAsCDJcSO-sFowIk

PASS: ShhhutUP.!


hello everyone!

this week has been really busy for me, and my lupus is kind of kicking my ass. i'm working hard to find a routine and settle into my new place.

it's my birthday on the 22nd! i'd like to do something ~special~ but i'm not sure what yet. i don't usually celebrate too much, since birthdays have not traditionally been very happy for me. but, my OG patrons know i almost died the night of my birthday last year and had to spend some days in hospital. so this year i want to show the universe i've still got some fight left and mark the occasion with something fun! :)

just a heads up. youtube has started age restricting a lot of my videos, so you will have to be logged into a youtube account to watch those ones. i hope that does not spell trouble for my channel. so far, i have not received a strike which is good news. i'm just going to stay the course and hope the youtube gods continue to allow me on the platform :P

LOVES YA!!!!!! mwuah



love to my patrons!!!




Hope you're hanging in there Mel ☺️ take care of yourself. And do something nice for yourself this year! You're commemorating your existence, that's more than enough reason to celebrate!


Just when I think you've maxed out on the special sauce, you go and prove me oh, so wrong. Just one of the many things I appreciate about you and your approach to ASMR. With any luck, YT will continue to be a good little platform and refrain from interfering with further exploration of your saucy side. 🎬 There's never a good time for a health issue, but coming right before your birthday is certainly one of the worst times it can happen. I hope you're feeling better when the B-day finally arrives so you can enjoy it to the fullest. Show the universe who's boss! ❤️💛💙

Mel Marie ASMR

hahaha i don't know if we can ever count on youtube to behave unfortunately....i hope i'm feeling better too! i'm determined to have a good day in spite of the universe :) lol