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I was beginning to think that I might never see you again, especially when you missed your last appointment. I was so worried. But, I spoke with my dear friend Anya, who assured me you wouldn't be skipping any more hypnosis sessions. Which is good, since I really missed my favorite subject.

I figured, since it's been a while now, we might as well take some time to go over the basics again. You've always had trouble sleeping. It's so frustrating to toss and turn night after night. Luckily, I have services that can help with that: hypnotic services.

During our sessions, I lull you into a sleepy hypnotic trance. You experience wonderful, blissful relaxation as you sleep. I make sure my clients have the most pleasant experience possible by sinking them so deeply into a trance that both their body and mind fully relax.

Total relaxation means that when my subjects wake, they have absolutely no clue what's happened to them. You're the same - you can barely remember what happens after I start speaking. But you always wake up at the end of our sessions feeling a million times better, which is why you keep coming back.

Or maybe you keep coming back because of the erotic dreams you have while you're under my trance. These dreams are different - they feel strangely real, almost as if you are half-awake and half-asleep. Silly, strange, dirty dreams.

Should we start the session?

LINK: https://mega.nz/#P!AgGC6lZdkNOay1nKYbvgFZjIf2ti_gpSe-mfyC9q_jyLt7oBZfkBi3DB5IjHRV105aV9mC_-tLeFocfcG3JguL41bLvfd0mW68LVESMdccnpjR_svJkeGMa_EUL6a6CMN7uSWr1_PtM

PASS: YouWon'tRememberThis@All;)


howdy everyone :) a nice session with delia as a gift from me to you. please enjoy!!!

one more video incoming tomorrow. i think it's a fun one :P

is anyone else as excited for xenoblade chronicles 3 as i am btw ??? (tears of joy) now if only i could pull KOS-MOS in xc2....

ok i'm tapping out to get some sleep. check back in tomorrow with the last of the promised vids for this month :D



love to my patrons!!!



Sleepy Wil

Oh no, this isn't fair, Mel! I have to wait all day to watch this video before bed, I won't be able to think about anything else now. :') I'm very excited hehe. ^_^ Still no KOS-MOS?! If only you could hypnotize the game into giving them to you. :P I'm so excited for XC3, but I need to beat XC1 first! That's next on the list so I can get to it though. :)


This was very fun to watch and will be more fun to watch over and over!

Mel Marie ASMR

no....so elusive.....hahaha. i was actually considering a replay of xc1 myself :) so far xc3 is incredible....i'm still basically in the first chapter. a friend gave it to me as an early bday gift and i've been too busy to fully dive into it (but hoping to have some free time soon hehehe). so far Nia is still my fave character across all the games but with these new characters who knows!! i hope you got to watch the video and relax, and that you've had a good weekend ^_^