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You've got no plans tonight, so you decide to head to Exhibits. You heard about it from a friend, who would only say that it was "interesting" and you should check it out. Apparently it's yet another new hologram park - nothing seems too interesting about that. After hologram technology evolved to project hyper-realistic, tangible models in the 2070s, attractions making use of holograms became commonplace.

The doors slide open to reveal a mostly dark, notably quiet lounge.  Marble-sized neon lights are scattered across the floors and ceilings, illuminating lush greenery and a wooden pathway. A small stream snakes throughout the room and culminates in a gentle waterfall behind the reception desk. The air is cool and breezy, almost as if you were outdoors.

When you reach the desk, you place your palm on the monitor bot's chest to wake them. The bot explains the rules: Choose an empty booth and use the wall panel to browse and summon different holograms. You are free to interact with the holograms as you wish, so long as you do not damage them. Seems simple enough. You transfer the entry fee, and after the monitor bot stamps a glowing temporary admissions badge on your wrist, you head past the waterfall.

Ducking into an empty booth, you shut the door behind you and tap the panel. Booting up, the screen displays the hologram selections. "Holy..." Your voice trails off. These holograms are NOT safe-for-work. So that's what your friend meant by interesting...

Well, as long as you've paid the entrance fee you should check it out, right? You can't deny your curiosity. Your eyes keep coming back to one particular model with red hair. You punch in your selection.

The model materializes, close enough for you to touch. You're fascinated. Speaking in a soft voice, the hologram tells you, "Today, I'm simply here for your viewing pleasure and satisfaction."

You hesitate, then describe what you want to see. The model is unphased by your request, and even looks a bit...excited? Okay, fine. This IS interesting.

"It would make you happy if I spank myself? Anything to please you."

LINK: https://mega.nz/#P!AgGCOiOQIAF0SqpC4I-LRah7Ia9AE2oaOeM1I0dysOnq4drjCXTPOfuwC-lwUwpDJYBHkwSE5kN8Avct8IDIZyS3HQUVnAmu2QONqvsIx-X7sL_PBjTrPUyxrI-9qYRwjP8IKbNKnG0

PASS: TheFutureis...Fulfilling


howdy howdy y'all!!

hey thanks so much everyone! this week has been so exciting for me as i broke 5k subscribers on YT and this is the first month with over 100 patrons here :D wow i'm so lucky huh!

♡〜٩( ╹▿╹ )۶〜♡

i hope u are all doing fabulously. it's almost time for me to box my things up and scoot. i've been filming overtime to make sure i have videos in the backlog, especially for my patrons :) eee im so excited to move. more details after i am safely there!

july is my 1 year anniversary on patreon!! i want to do something special....anything you'd want to see? of course i have ideas myself, but i'd love to hear from you. ♡


ps i really could not see at all during this vid it was so hard to film !! hahaha im just glad i ended up in frame.


love to my patrons!!!




There is so much to appreciate here, Mel! I love seeing you explore your saucy side. Truly delightful! ❤️

Alex Fugaku

Hi Mel. I am unable to play this video 😥 (the rest work fine). Can you please provide a link to it? Thank you 🥰