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You never dreamed your job at Smeta would come with benefits like this. Because of your niche knowledge of C+++!!!1!!1! and your years of hard work, you were tapped to beta test the newest advancement in fembot technology. They're calling this model EverGirl - Eve for short. Eve is a fully functional femmedroid that has one special feature: the ability to develop a unique personality. As a beta-tester, you're tasked with observing Eve, interacting with her, and testing her capabilities. You can think of plenty worse jobs....

You've only had Eve for about a week, and you decide to introduce a stimulus to see how she reacts: pleaser heels.

bzz bzzt. Hello Owner. It's me. Your dedicated fembot. You requested my services, so of course I am here to please you. What may I do for you, Owner?

You have...a gift? gift. I don't understand. What does gift mean?

You want to...give me something? Of course. I will receive it happily. Is this a shoe? Owner, I've never seen a shoe like this one before. What should I do with it?

Put it on? You want me to show off these shoes? Of course, Owner. I will do so immediately.

LINK: https://mega.nz/#P!AgEWoiechksl2dVoOUxrxMU_GWJiYWg-N3rO4cwP8a0usGhEJrd2JxF4z84yZWfXynaA92yEcMyZUMADZ_BVZ5SSxNUE2j_nJ4_FQEikNbzjr7xb1BUIuehRLJIwlVRv7gtToA9R7J4

PASS: DoFembotsLookGoodinHeels?


hi everyone, fembot was asked to make a return so she's back again :) i tried some creative things with the editing so hope u all enjoy!! and those shoes are heavier than they look so my legs may or may not be sore from filming *cries* lol. my personal life is still a bit up in the air but i'm trying to get back on my YouTube grind for real next week. thanks for all the support, i know i've said it before but y'all literally keep my lights on and i'm humbled and blessed that people like my work. ♡ hope everyone is doing well and continues to thrive!! sending my best.


p.s. apologies for the stray pet fur on my tights....it was driving me crazy during editing...i used a lint roller but it still wasn't enough apparently :P lol


love to my patrons!!!




Finally my C+++!!!1!!1! Degree will be useful!


Yes! Fembot makes a reappearance. Thanks Mel! Hope you’re legs are less sore. So happy!