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Well, well. And what do we have here? The guards caught a little rat sneaking around the perimeter of our Top Secret Base. Huh! What were you doing scurrying around, little rat?

I'm going to get all the information I want from you. I've got ways of making you talk....

See my wiggling fingers? I'm going to use them to explore every crack and crevice of your body. Tickling and tickling until you give me all the information I want.

Who do you work for? What were you doing? How did you find this place?

You'd better tell me before I start torturing you with relentless tickles....

LINK: https://mega.nz/#P!AgGzfAXQgBPQ2be9TTY6usXouhhw16pdvYhs_CAmA04-GQ6AuRE7IT-cNKs9zfQU10BxSLDncdt32AgiiHLGMDv1DpXczu-3b6PJlpeUVpt6x1MjWOekp-XUrN2MC2Vb7xSpcjeQAHc

PASS: TicklesmakeyouConfess99


hiya everyone!

i'm still pretty sick (you might be able to hear in my voice a bit :P). thank you for understanding that i haven't been as active on YouTube. besides being sick I have been dealing with a legal issue. i'm not sure when it will be totally resolved - but please keep me in your thoughts as there are some important dates and decisions coming up. i hope i will be able to share what i have gone through eventually.

on a much lighter note - how do we like this new character? do u have any name suggestions for them? i can pick something but i thought it might be fun if y'all comment name ideas and we can pick together :) i could even run a poll if y'all are interested in voting on the final name!!

hope everyone had a good week!!!! (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*。

every day i feel lucky to have your support, it's always encouraging to be with my community here. thanks everyone :)


p.s. lmk if you want a part 2 to this video hehehe


love to my patrons!!!



Albert Freud

You are beautiful Mel! You hypnotized me with the first video I saw <3 <3 ! You are the best!


No luck in coming up with a name for the character, but got some titles for our hapless captive's misadventure: The Prestigious Digits of the Tickling Tormentor Vexed by the Villain's Insidious Inquisition In the Clutches of the Curious Criminal I'll try and do better next time. : ) And by all means, please let's have a Part 2!