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hey, u remember me?? it's okay if you don't...i was filling in for my boss last time and i kinda had an unfortunate mishap during our session. BUT! this time i'm coming to you as an actual hypnotist-in-training! i've been learning a lot from my boss. i think you actually know her - a lot of her clients call her the devious hypnotist. i'm not really sure why, cause she's always been really nice to me!!

anyways, you ready to get started? i cant wait to show you what i've been learning. and this time there won't be any mistakes! definitely. even if this hypnosis pendant is very distracting.....and powerful......no. i'll be fine!!

LINK: https://mega.nz/#P!AgGyaBMJukDKlJ4cAo6iuG2z16EUN3sqX9xnSGPq-M968TkadTKYeDxZnibSIETApPrOlBCn5taDwTDercHZG_azflM23LtuJjMHxWoxJRc5LcJUHm04e55S23Cto9ZCVj2RVwvbr8Q

PASS: 2ndTimestheCharm!


hiya !! i decided to bring back an older character for this week's vid - the beginner hypnotist! i hope everyone enjoys :)

btw, one of you lovely patrons recently sent me the fuzzy mic covers from my amazon wishlist (thank you!!!). i've already filmed a video for YT doing some mic brushing/scratching and just playing around trying different sounds. are there any specific fuzzy mic related videos that y'all would want to see (for patreon or YT)? feel free to comment and let me know. :)

wishing that everyone is having a great week so far!!! i appreciate all of u ♡



love to my patrons!!!



Alan L

I love this :) x