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look who it is - my favorite client! i heard you were asking for me specifically. little ole me...i'm flattered. you must really like our sessions. it's okay, you can admit it. i won't tell anyone. i know how much you like it when i put you deep under my trance.

i assume that you've come here in desperate need of my services, and i'm certainly happy to oblige. let's play a game today, shall we?

first, i need you to close your eyes. go on, close them. don't worry, you can trust me ;)

LINK: https://mega.nz/#P!AgHXKDHFClBKK97saiUpkT0JRMANeHcT6VZjSgTYbN_mnHQNppuN8iXQJYaoxZbn-GhLTPB9Tl8YEo68RXbORDXGKuEaxroiKKKN59sW4rPZL7stRVCWUp1WE1LfipnyNHbuPmelB4Q

PASS: Contr0llingmyFavClient


hiya!! as promised, devious hypnotist is back again :) and this one is particularly fun imo!!!

please let me rant for a second y'all i just have to ok

i was thiiiiiis close to giving up on filming this video. my neighbor's dog barked so much, so loud, and so often that the dog ruined over an hour of footage that i had filmed. it was maddening. the dog barks 24/7 and is aggressive so i can actually hear him slam against the windows trying to jump at people walking by.

this problem has been going on for months ever since my neighbor moved in. to avoid the noise, i try to film early in the morning or in the middle of the night, but that's not always possible (and has also resulted in me becoming semi-nocturnal)! especially now that i've been trying my best to put out longer videos more consistently, it's really hard/inconvenient to deal with the barking. sometimes her boyfriend will come and take the dog for a few days, and then i can film freely at whatever time and i am so happy lol. the thing is, i already had several conversations about the dog with my neighbor because worse than the barking, he has even attacked me and my dog which was really scary and dangerous. my neighbor said there is nothing she can do because she can't control her dog. ugh! >:|

i just needed to vent!! all i want to do is film asmr and not be attacked or snarled at when i go outside!! & just for the record i love dogs, i obviously have my own dog and grew up with dogs. i really blame my neighbor for neglecting her dog and never training him. i'm no expert but it's pretty obvious her dog is not happy (putting it mildly).

ANYWAYS all that being said i'm definitely bringing back the devious hypnotist for a longer video sometime soon (with hopefully no barking interruptions!). i'm sure she will be thrilled to make another appearance :)

if u read all this thank u for listening!! hope everyone likes the video and continues to have a lovely week ♡



love to my patrons!!!




fantastic video ~ and bad doggie!!


I'm a bit late to the party here but just wanted to say that I enjoy all of your hypnosis sessions but especially like your devious hypnotist series and hope that you continue to create them!