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Let me introduce myself. I'm from an elite squad of individuals hand-selected by Santa himself: the Tickle Interrogation Division. We have a certain set of tools....tickle tools, if you will...that let us parse out if you have indeed been naughty, or nice this year. I've looked over your case file, and I'm confident I can get you to confess if you've been naughty.

LINK: https://mega.nz/#P!AgGCskGYFtLzzCCb7Dx2iUlEBQ9XpxyInbnehZDXfY4FELe4z441kDT1t5uCSV7PyMlBWJ75ye9a7W0tKs2wEsFkKMcnGR59HqiMdfum1uekcb7cwZP2_2z3cXueFBjX_SAjt67eOZM

PASS: TheTIDivision$

heya, hope everyone enjoys. i wanted to do something fun and holiday-themed, but still with an edge :) i've been having a rough month so far but i really love being able to make videos for y'all here on patreon. not a day goes by that i'm not grateful for your support!!! i'll check back in again later this week with a poll, or some photos (porque no los dos?? we'll see).

wishing u the best ~(^з^)-♡



love to my patrons!!!



Ethan schultz

This is amazing! More feet tickling please!

