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hello hello everyone!!!! check it out - i finally finished anya's story :) hope u enjoy! sorry my posting schedule got so derailed. luv u friends. thx for all the support. 



You start to formulate a proper apology for making Anya wait, but they quickly shift positions, pinning your biceps to the ground with their knees. You feel the metal buckles from their boots digging into your skin through the thin fabric of the robe. Before you can squirm away, Anya swiftly pinches your jaw with one hand, forcing your face upwards towards theirs. Your eyes are locked onto Anya’s. You feel movement, and realize Anya is using their other hand to pull their skirt up. A small moan escapes Anya’s lips, then they pinch your jaw harder, squeezing your mouth open. Their other hand comes back into view, now with two glistening fingers outstretched. Anya gleefully shoves their fingers in your mouth.

“Taste me. Taste what you’ve done by keeping me waiting.” With really no choice, you happily oblige, sucking their fingers earnestly. After you’ve sucked and licked to their liking, Anya slides their fingers from your mouth, but keeps their other hand firmly on your jaw. At this point, your hands are slightly numb from the constant pressure of Anya’s knees on your upper arms. You don’t mind. You’re completely focused on Anya as they put the same fingers back in their own mouth, making sure you’ve done a good job cleaning them off.

Anya bends forward and brings their lips to your ear, hot breath sending shivers down your spine. In a husky whisper, Anya demands: “You’re going to get me off now. At least 8 times - once for every minute you were late. And then we’ll see about your punishment.” You quiver in anticipation. Anya releases your jaw, hooks their fingers into your still-damp hair, and smothers you with their body.




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