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hi everyone! i've had an extremely busy week and i had to go to more doctors appts :P plus i made the mistake of rearranging my furniture and now i am covered in bruises!! im waiting on some test results but im hopeful. planning to post the patron hypnosis video tomorrow or Friday :) 

i hope you are all having a good week so far. seems like something is in the air and everyone has a lot going on rn!

xx mel 



Sleepy Wil

Hope you recover from your bruises soon, Mel! Just relaxing and catching up with friends today myself. :) Ahh can’t wait for your new hypnosis video ^_^

Mel Marie ASMR

thank u! its nbd bc i bruise like a peach :P catching up with friends sounds lovely! its good to take time for the people we like :)

Sleepy Wil

Yes! Agreed :)