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i'm home alone...wanna know what i'm wearing?? ;)

LINK: https://mega.nz/#P!AgGnZgRYFNokaTASdxZxyUh3sWpqdcTI2TxwtFqkcbq0rWst_hmOSZvIcARwKu1gZLmAxJWhlp75FoKC6F3MsRWRrWrCSrP2vwG9wqHl9X2BGxowcS64burMWvn7wslsZobWE_HE0F8

PASS: SxyVoiceMail4U


hey y'all!

how my melons doing ?? i thought i would make an audio to go along with these photos. lemme know what u think!!

i have been a busy bee recently. lots of random stuff going on (for example i have 3 dr appt this week!!). but i am hanging in there!! :D don't wanna jinx it but the weather is sposed to warm up this weekend... might be able to put my winter coat away finally....hahaha.

since i've got a bit more space with this new filming set-up, i'm totally excited abt the possibilities. there's some ideas i've had for a looong time that i would really love to bring to life. did u know i have a whole binder where i keep my random video ideas? ^_^ i keep tons of sticky notes around as well so if i ever think of something, i can quickly jot it down and file it in the idea binder later :D

try to have some fun this week melons! seems like it's a really busy time for a lot of you, too. so take a few minutes for yourself here & there. when i'm stressed, i like to hug my dog/cat and watch youtube clips that make me laugh. it doesn't necessarily fix the problem, but it does remind me that life isn't all bad :)

sending u my luuuuuv ♡♡♡





The audio was great, and it's good to see you smiling so brightly again, Mel, especially after that last update (I know, I'm late to the party; I'm sorry, I was moving). I'm glad you're doing better, too. Keep up the positivity! Also, I think it was at... pic eight or so that I made an odd, high-pitched and inarticulate noise that freaked out my cat (lol), and that smile in pic 13 melted my heart. Great set as always, your lighting looks really good on that new background, too!

Mel Marie ASMR

hope moving went well !!! & hopefully u didnt scare your cat too bad ;) thanks for the feedback on the lighting - always trying to improve 🥰


I'm never putting my phone on mute again ...