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You finally scheduled another appointment with Delia. At the sight of you, she struggles to remain professional. After all, you are her favorite plaything - and she has missed you so very much.

LINK: https://mega.nz/#P!AgGitgVYJJgyNRSBNis-x-jWptrb5T2-k4-g6iRndvKKj2z6yEtJg67jGBzNpFJgCA-MM6PXRWkXaR71x0aFMP-qfHzXNPPcWRhF-50h08bqTgtKmwzxU68xzESRF9fRB23vPYB0Z3M

PASS: ExtraDev!ousDelia


hello beautiful and treasured melons!

this month really took a turn for me. let me just explain the unpleasant part first and get it out of the way. those of u that have been with me for a long time know that i had a really bad experience after i reported my supervisor for harassing me. nothing has happened in the case for a long time, but all of a sudden my lawyer (who is a saint btw and took my case pro bono) called me up cause there had been some changes. no real progress forward exactly, but at least things are moving. i'm doing ok now but it was pretty heavy and it definitely took a toll on me. for now i'm putting it out of my mind and resuming life as usual :)

ok! i do have some pretty positive life updates as well. my roommate and my longtime friend (who is still back in TX but hopefully will visit me soon) kind of saw that i was struggling and they helped me to get two really important and life-changing things: a new laptop and a proper bed with a frame :D so i am typing this to you feeling very technologically fancy LOL. it normally takes forever to export videos but i swear this laptop is so fast i could cry tears of joy. & bc of the bed, i was able to re-do my whole room and set up a much bigger filming area. i'm feeling so great about that & i can't wait for y'all to see !! i also picked up a new cord for my mic since i think i was hearing some fuzziness - future vids should sound crisper :)

finally, i got to do one really fun thing this month, which was celebrate my roommate's bday by going to a Bianca del Rio show :) i hadn't really experienced Portland nightlife until then, so it was really cool. something funny is soooo many people have dogs here, i saw a million while i was out!

i hope each and every one of u melons is thriving ♡♡ to be honest for a second i struggle a lot, life has always felt very unstable. but when i think about the melons and everyone online i feel a lot less alone and a lot more grounded. so thanks for being here! i really appreciate u all, even if we've never commented or chatted back & forth, just being present here makes me feel very grateful ♡♡

i hope everyone loves the vid!! i will post at least 1 more time before april ends, most likely photos :) talk to u soonnnn xx





So happy to hear!

red helicopter

How can I please you, my sweet&spicy hypnotist? 🥰


Delia is the best. My favorite line was “Professionalism be damned.”