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i have a confession to make...i broke my feather duster. i'm so sorry! how should i make it up to you? i'll do whatever you say.

LINK: https://mega.nz/#P!AgHSrCYUhIMPhfQ4chNLyplwE7tsrDSLBtFbGTJGiakFYQWL4tfxYkltzUcnBHPhJUlehx6KP9trqlpIrE0p3kNjCf5sXAbSiX2aI8uzgG64M5DUWFd6v5JmQBa-V35whQWrp8v60UA

PASS: MoaningM@idKisses


hi melons :)

maid mel reporting for service today!!! happy end of march. funny story, my feather duster is actually broken now. but it's cause my cat stole it from my props box and ripped the feathers out lol. he's such a little monster. :P

my apartment building has been super loud for various diff reasons lately, so ive been having to film in the middle of the night. i just cannot concentrate as soon as i hear the background noise cause i know its gonna ruin my audio :P hopefully april will be quieter (and i can catch up on lost sleep!!!).

im hangin in there melons, hope u are too. let's keep doing our best :)

enjoy the video!!!





Rare subby Mel! Ty for the video, when I saw the maid outfit on your youtube channel I was praying to see it here lol


The noise will go away soon i hope but for a peace treat between cat and feather i think not ;)