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Dear Patrons,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to reach out and provide you with an update on the Nobara Bundle for this month.

Unfortunately, I've come down with the flu accompanied by a fever, and it has significantly impacted my ability to work on the planned content for this month. I want to sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

As you all know, I'm committed to delivering high-quality content. However, my current health condition requires me to focus on recovery to ensure that I can continue creating the best possible content for you.

I understand that you look forward to the monthly bundles, and I appreciate your understanding during this unexpected setback. I will do my best to get back on track as soon as I am feeling better.

Wishing you all the best now and in the New Year.




Darth Senpai

No worries from myslef, and I'm sure many others. Focus on your health and get better soon! Happy New Year!

Tom Mitchell

Most important thing is your health! Get well and feel better and focus on yourself. We can wait. Everyone gets sick and needs time to recover. Happy New Year!