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Hi guys, I have some pretty bad news. 

Since not all of you are on Discord, I will post the update here as well. 

Google shut down Google Collab for AI Generation and my PC won't handle AI Generation (or it would take forever)... until I figure out some solution I will have to pause my Patreon page at the end of the month (you won't be charged for October even if you are actively subscribed but you can also cancel and be a free tier). 

I still have some generated images for the lower tier but absolutely can't generate any new custom AI art for higher tiers, so I will be refunding all patrons starting from mid-tier for September since I can't deliver what's in that package.

This makes me really sad because I loved generating AI art but it's life... I knew that this could happen since I'm not generating locally but I did not expect them to shut it down like this out of nowhere.

I was supported by so many wonderful people who enjoy both the AI generation & anime waifus, it makes me really grateful and I had so much fun doing this. Thank you all for being a part of this community. My blog is still running & also my FB page/IG will be active, maybe in the future I will find a way to generate AI art. 

Take care and stay awesome! 😊❤️



Darth Senpai

So sad that is happening. I'm sure we all understand and hope that you'll get to do this again some day!