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Custom order! I am very grateful to the person who asked me for a little angst for this month, I had this idea in mind for a long time and now I was finally able to draw it, there will be a video version soon 💕

God this made me so sad but at the same time I love it




I'm sobbing


OH MY GOD HOLI I had just been thinking "oh man, what pain is Holi gonna put me in" AND HERE I AM. STARING AT THEIR EXPRESSIONS CLUTCHING MY CHEST and just uuugghfhfshdhhf Gorou see Itto is in danger and just instinctually takes the hit for him. The flashback to them promising to run away together. The fucking PINKY PROMISE!!! I'm dying. Dying, I tell you! I'm dead. I'm in the ground and sobbing. I'm in love with this. I can just imagine Itto's completely shattered response. And Gorou's relieved face even though he's been so gravely injured. Hold him tight, Itto!! Don't let him slip away!! Thank you thank you thank you so much for filling my request ;v; I'm tempted to ask for more of this plot for next month, but of course I won't push you either way! I'm trying to think of more words but all I can muster up is ahdhdalfjakfjsjdalああああああああ


guys if you want to complain complain to her kdkskd I had the idea but she ((he? I don't know your pronouns sorry)) asked me to do it jsjsjs I'm super glad you liked it to death, I suffered a lot drawing all his expressions and details, but I really liked the result, I wanted to draw Angst so thanks, on the other hand, guys I always give you sweet things and comfort! an angst once in a while doesn't hurt uwu...a lot