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Here's a bit of animation I've finished today, this took some time to make but the result is worth it!

After adding the colours, I wanted to see how the scene looked in this rendered mode and the file's world settings that I modified when starting working on the episode give white glow an orange/red tint and it just looks so cool and terrifying at the same time!

Tomorrow, I'm going to animate her punching, that should be fun! I love this powerhouse.



Giving me one last christmas gift, that kicking animation is smooth as eggs, Kimi. That's what I want to see, Adeleine kicking ass even outside the paintbrush. This is a powerhouse my Adeleine needs to emulate Now I wait to see the punches


Please, enjoy this little present! I love how powerful and heavy this scene feels already, I can't wait to work on her giving em the ol' one-two. ^-^ Your Ado is going to be great alongside Joe!