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It has been a while since we've last checked on this unusual family! During this time, their bond only got stronger. Adeleine never stopped trying to comprehend The Company's speech and is now able to follow a basic conversation for a little bit.

As for The Company, it has become easier to understand their mother's language and accent. Some words are still tough to understand but it's enough to get what she is saying.




Adeleine's beiing the mommy as ever. I also like how blurry the text is to the Company's perspective to go along with the language barrier. This is some organic growth there. Also, cute "Zoy" shirt


You put a lot of effort into making the perspective of the Company something that can be...comprehended? You didn't need to make the text fuzzy and unstable, but you did and I can really picture the Company having to strain to hear it - I can see why Adeline might want to, say, avoid especially big words for the sake of being understood. It's also really fascinating to actually see the Company conversing, both with each other and Momma. :3 I see Adeline isn't above some teasing, either.


Thanks! I wanted to have a bit of an evolution while Reincarnation was happening and everyone understanding each other more as well as changes in Adeleine herself were the best way to show this. I wanted her to have a "ZOY" shirt for quite some time and I'm happy it's finally there!


Yeah! I didn't get a chance to have all of them show up and interact in the comics, so I plan on making up for it in later entries. I love playing around with perspectives and try to immerse the audience, in a way!


Good work my boi 👍


I like that, thta's some attention to detail right there. I figured it was about time, and im happy to see it. The king is Branching out. Makes me wonder if youd ever do like teespring or something ideas as physical merch lol


With IRÔH!, if there's a demand for it, I always could try something but for this series, I don't want to sell anything but I want to send goodies! I'm just waiting until my credit card is fixed! ✌️