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Ok, so I took on this challenge of actually finishing a 3D model on Blender for once (after 2 attempts in the past) and here's what's been happeing for the last 3 days: I started like I always do, with a sketch for reference and made the entire body. I was kinda happy with it until I realized everything needed to be 1 single mesh, in the same layer...

So, I redid the entire thing in 1 mesh, made better looking hands and now, only the head is missing! I'll have the eyes as a textures and hopefully, I can start the hair or mouth tomorrow. Last thing to do will be the outfit, which I think will be one of her more simple ones, it's still my first 3D model in a long time and the only one to go past the limbs part of the process. So, that's why I've been quiet for a bit, just working on that non-stop! Aight, good night!




Oh my god, you're going into the third dimension. Looks incredible so far!


Thank you! After this, coding would be the only thing left on my "I'm never doing that" list lol


Woah! This looks amazing! I wish you the best of luck Kimi wonderful job!