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Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqpXgfUyxCc


Samantha Rivero

Girl dad is when a dad has only daughters

Katja van den Berg

Aaahhhhh you did Return of Superman!!!! Just the thing to watch while it's near midnight, sitting next to my Christmas tree, enjoying a drink....this was just so adorable!! Felix really was prepared this time, but I also loved how Chan built up the interaction. It made me think of how my stepmum (we actually call it bonus mum over here nowadays) was with my cats. She always got right in their faces, high voice "aaahhh come here, aaahhh you're so cute...come come..." And Grisabella RAN. My nephew learned very early to just sit down, be quiet and not pay her attention and let the cat come to him. She adored him. He always got his cuddles. Kids aren't much different. You're a stranger. Why would they be okay with being picked up by strangers. Let them get used to your presence first. And that's exactly what Chan did. He just played with that race track, making some noises, and Rowoon got used to his presence. Loved that. Oh and yesss they continued playing even after filming. They clearly enjoyed it. And I seem to remember Rowoon's mum posted something later on, of Rowoon playing with tissues at home afterwards haha. Anyway...can't wait to see your reaction to the next ep. That was a wild ride hahahaha

K-pop Auntie

This was all very cute. I loved that the mischievous side of Chan came out even here, with him making a hat for Rowoon out of tissues. I'm hoping to get to the second episode tonight.