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Katja van den Berg

They talked about this song, in the Intro I think. Han told us he went home and cried in bed over this song, but he also finds it healing. It's very much about how we see their success but not all their pain and the struggles behind the scenes. How hard it sometimes is to get to where they are. Hmm sometimes may be a bit of an understatement. The song is not my fav, but in another way it is. Because it's so personal to them. Chan's progression to that high note near the end....I don't have a perfect ear, but from what I checked on the piano he progresses a full octave. And he goes up pretty high. Goodness. I think it was a D2 when I checked. Which is pretty darn high. For a man. And it's beautiful. Good for you for doing your own thing, despite the poll!! I love it when a reactor watches the things they want to watch. It always leads to the best videos. So YAY. And well...it's MinCHan. With Binnie. And Lee Know is Lee Know-ing. A LOT.

K-pop Auntie

A full octave. Well done, Chan. He hit those high notes so well. And yeah, Lee Know was all sorts of Lee Know on 2 Kids Show. It was a pleasure to watch.

your name here

That particular lyric channel is not my favorite because they tend to do a bit of the literal translations versus the nuance (which is fair because SKZ lyrics are direct but dense with meaning). I equally agree that the exchange between 2nd and 3rd person makes it feel less like they are only speaking about their own struggles and more a conversation about how we (SKZ) understand your (listener's) struggles doing all this hard work in the shadows without knowing if it is ever going to pay off. But I also love that the "we" can also be the collective of SKZ and listener/Stays to keep motivating each other not to give up. I can understand why Han got so emotional about the piece because it truly is a labour of love to make something you are passionate about and have no guarantee all that hard work will ever see the light of day. Or worse, your hard work does see the light only to get mocked, belittled, and picked apart because the naysayers only see the outcome and not all that you learned during the process.

K-pop Auntie

Agreed. It's tough enough being an idol already. They have so much training and such packed schedules. And then throw on top of all of that doing all their own songwriting, arrangements, and production as well as having input on the choreo, MVs, etc? I can't imagine how much work these guys do that we never see.