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Samantha Rivero

Can't wait for u to listen to the rest and their docuseries too

Katja van den Berg

LOL we all went "oohhh they cursed" , but even before I saw the lyrics sheet I already knew they pulled another one of those tricks. And they did, as another comment already explained. Yet...we all know what we'll be screaming at the concerts if we get that chance. And they'll love it. And of course, since this was a word in an otherwise full English line....well....no denying what they meant. Love the message of this song. Love love love it. And you're right, I hope a lot of people hear it. Also really enjoy how they play with the pauses and drop etc. It makes it a very interesting song (when is a Skz song NOT interesting??). Looking forward to whatever you'll be reacting to next!

K-pop Auntie

Hopefully more incoming this evening! The drywaller isn't here today, and he's the one who sticks around until later to work.