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It's that time!

It's going to be a busy week, but I'll be doing my best to get up a couple of videos a day at least. I have an incoming editing job as well as work on the house. Plus, as we speak, the 50 mph gusts of wind at my house seem to be causing issues, unless my internet is just not cooperating this morning because it doesn't want to. But, I'm having problems even getting YouTube videos to play right now.

And we have the SKZ comeback. So much going on! I might have to resort to polls on what SKZ content to react to first if they deluge us with comeback goodies again.


Katja van den Berg

I think I enjoy these little videos (almost) as much as your reactions. The cats are just lovely....and wow you are busy!!! That kitchen...well....let's just say that mine is staying the way it is because I couldn't even handle the chaos of a reno let alone doing so much myself. And snoooooow. Okay I know, I know..not fun to drive through, not fun to shovel all the time and all that "fun" stuff...but I want snow!!! okay, letting it go, not gonna happen. And if it does...it'll be a dusting and that's it.

K-pop Auntie

Glad you enjoy the updates! You can live vicariously through my winter. I'll have plenty of snow pics for you.