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Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhy0Vq7tdAM


2023 STAYweek Behind


Samantha Rivero

Can’t wait for the other stay week videos

Katja van den Berg

Shoes was the one thing my mum did not economize on, if I remember correctly. At least not with sizes. This was such cute content. Love that they wore their own clothes for it. That made it look much more natural. Despite the cute poses with hearts and cheek pokes haha. And more personal. BEcause they thought of what to wear for this. Instead of, as Chan said at some point, just getting something black and easy from their wardrobes because they'll be styled anyway. Talking about Chan, he'd posted on Bubble a while ago that he'd been shopping. Can't remember how he put it, but it is something he's not comfortable doing on his own. But he did and he bought new clothes. I guess this is something he bought. That jeans jacket is 1650 euros OMG. But on the other hand, considering he's often said he doesn't like spending money much and wanted to save and be sensible (and I think he hinted at having to help his parents during the pandemic), it's nice that he's buying clothes that are expensive. I mean, they can afford it. So why not. But it's interesting that he's in that brand a lot all of a sudden....and had a sponsored look at the airport. So who knows what's up LOL. GOsh, yes, there's more content. Two behind the scenes for the fanmeeting (like a talker), there's a beautiful Skz log, a new song (Skz player to be released later, so I'd wait for that). Tomorrow a live, but that won't be subbed for a while (depending on how fast fans are). And will be LONG.

K-pop Auntie

Well, if it's one thing I know my Patrons hate, it's long reactions. *Insert squinty face that is also somehow eye rolling at the same time* All the content, it shall be. And agreed that it's nice that SKZ is making enough money that Chan feels he can splurge with fashion while still taking care of his family and Lord knows what else he spends his money on.


Since many Stays cant take this photo, they edited themselves to it ahhahaha I chose to just draw myself hahahaha