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Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bi3eVLa5zw


Idol Human Theater Behind 2023


Katja van den Berg

Wow you are so fast with the content!! This really cheered me up on a dull day. And to watch it a second time with you made it even funnier. You're right, the behind the scenes of this particular content is often even funnier than the show itself. They are just so random. Also interesting to see this in the context of other things that happened, like Seungmin's rained out first pitch and I.N.'s appearance on Lee Mujin (yes, I.N., you did WELL!). Still clear that Chan wasn't completely himself at the time. This was filmed shortly after the death of Moonbin and he later answered a question about that on Chan's Room, saying that yes, they had been friends. Chan was offline for two weeks after his death. But clearly they still had schedules and this was one of them. But anyway....all the randomness makes me crack up so much. love it!!!

K-pop Auntie

These are fun, and yeah, to look back and be in touch with other things that were going on puts some interesting things into context.