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Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z58d_ckONw4



love when you do these feature films lmao


Woke up from a heatwave-induced nap to this? Woohoo! Time to grab dinner and a beverage. I think there is some cider in the fridge that should be frosty by now. Heck yeah


Yep all the way to the end, when Hongjoong tells about his charming face. I mean, he's not wrong. It's not what I would put at the top of the list of his charms, but it is indeed a very nice face.


Really appreciate the fact that you do these hella long reactions! It’s always great company while I’m eating


14:00 - Ren was with a group called NU'EST. They were under Pledis Entertainment, the same company as Seventeen. The group ran from 2012 to 2022. Ren's been doing acting, television, radio, etc. For his solo debut, he's under BPM Entertainment. Interesting factoid from his wikipedia article: among other philanthropy, he self published a fairy tale book, title translated as 'We're Happy Because We're Together', and donated all the proceeds to the Korea Pediatric Cancer Foundation. 17:45 - I hang out in a few kpop Discords, and there is much love for Yunho in hats -- especially bucket hats! 19:25 - Y'know what, since kpop women are freezing their legs off all the time, here's to men showing off their legs as well ^^ Also, if anyone can pull off a fan, safety glasses, and shorts all at once, it'd be Hongjoong - lmao 45:30 - Also lmao at the second team --I'm going to have to split my commentary in two because I've made your long video even longer by pausing frequently and I've run out of time for today. I'm doing the Camp Nano NanOlympics this month, and there's a game wherein you earn points by 'catching' a ball, writing a certain number of words, then 'tossing' the ball back out again. Points are earned by the number of passes you do. So of course I have to pause this to catch the ball!

K-pop Auntie

It's good to know I'm not the only one who thinks Yunho and hats is a thing. And agreed, Hongjoong has a talent for pulling off the fashion of whatever he chooses to wear.

K-pop Auntie

And bravo on participating in a Nano. Didn't know NanOlympics was a thing, but whatever helps get those words in!


1:09:24 - I'm not a big fan of palm trees, but I love the look of Mingi's jacket! Maybe if I manage to invent more time in the day, I'll teach myself to embroider so I can have something like that too 1:15:47 - Strict diets, including nothing that would just make them bloated/gassy the next morning 1:21:02 - My guess: the dancer passed him the gun then took it back afterward because there would be a risk that the prop would get knocked out of the holster. 1:24:21 - Yeah, Seventeen is a massively popular group, so honestly I'm also a bit surprised at this result. I'm not sure if these numbers are applicable here, but just fyi: from the time of its release in April until July their last EP, "FML", sold 6.2 million copies, making it the best selling album in K-pop. I guess Carats were busy elsewhere for this voting? I dunno, I'd have to dig into the numbers or something and I don't want to take the time, lol... 1:26:15 - Ooh, I like San's outfit here, the jacket and necklaces combo. 1:31:20 - I've always had a thing for dangly tassels, so I'm appreciating Wooyoung's jacket as well 1:40:40 - Interesting -- Yeosang has a shorts thing going on, so I wonder why the sudden switch for Hongjoong I made it to the end, of course! I actually hardly ever take the time to watch all the stages, but it's nice to enjoy them with someone else! And I'll take popcorn pretty much whenever, unfortunately, lol


I wasn't too sure I wanted to get involved in something extra -- I already write every day as a habit, so I don't need help there. But it's been fun! And since I am mildly competitive, all the extra challenges and activities have caused me to write even more than I would have otherwise. Typically I write about 1500 words a day -- so far this month, I've written 56,094. According to the rough Save the Cat Writes a Novel outline I did going into this, I've just crossed over into the second act. Finally making some progress! The first act felt like it took forever. I'm kind of worried that I'm throwing in too many unplanned ideas as I go along. Revisions will be fun, I'm sure...

K-pop Auntie

Yeah, it did look like the dancer took the revolver back again after it was used as a prop. Absolutely crazy that they beat out Seventeen. They must have been shocked and honored. Good job making it all the way to the end. This is the only time I actually watch the stages as well.