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Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-9PLDrC_vQ


Hannah Bahng Perfect Blues



I'm kinda on the same page because this isn't usually my style but I do like the lyrics and I think they make more sense now that I've read this interview she did where she talked about her journey up to this point, I'm leaving the link in case anyone is interested, it's a short read 😁 https://www.teenvogue.com/story/singer-songwriter-hannah-bahng-is-making-her-own-waves-interview


i like this song but i like the bside oleander even more!

Katja van den Berg

I will admit I wouldn't have listened to it or watch the MV if it wasn't for the fact she is Chan's sister. She wouldn't have been on my radar at all and she wouldn't have shown up on my suggestions either, because it's not like the usual music I listen to. I do like indie music, but this would have been a little too....predictable for me. The lyrics are beautiful though. And the MV is gorgeous. She did a great job. And so yes, I'll probably listen every once in a while. She's definitely talented and definitely a fighter. Like her brother, she never gave up. And talking about the brother: he IS very proud. He mentioned earlier that they talked about it and decided he wouldn't listen until it came out. And today he posted on Bubble: "Sister debuted..and the song's good. I was very very shocked hahaha. It's strange yet cool cause it doesn't sound like the Hannah I know. But it suits her so well haha. She's good...better step my game up lol". You're right about questioning how close you are after growing up apart. I have a sister who is 16 years younger than I am (so quite a bit more than their age difference, but still). We never really lived in the same house and I went to uni before she even went to kindergarten. I love her, we're close, but not in the same way I'm close to the brother I shared a childhood with. With Hannah and Chan there was an ocean between them. Thousands of miles and although he was able to go home for vacations, it wouldn't have been enough to really get close. Or remain close. And add three years of pandemic to it, when they couldn't travel and visit....no, being close is something they would have to work on. Anyway, really cool that you checked out her song, if only to support her as Chan's baby sister!

K-pop Auntie

Agreed, this wouldn't have been on my radar, but I'll have a listen now and then. Out of interest for what Chan's sister is. It's good to hear that Chan is proud, and I'm sure he's happy that his name recognition is helping out his baby sister.

Brenna K

Yessss! I was hoping you'd check this out 😊 I'm so so happy for Hannah that she's been able to actually pursue music and the fact that she did it through starting her own company??? Very awesome. Must feel good to be unattached to anyone she has to answer to. I've been watching her since she started her channel nearly 2 years ago now, and of course I started because..well....I have a fondness for a certain older brother of hers. But eventually I just sort of realized that faded away somewhere along the lines and I just legitimately watched her channel for her. I literally almost forget they're related sometimes, until all of a sudden Chan mentions her on live and I go, "what the fu- OH RIGHT!"🤣 She's done a wonderful job of creating her own name apart from any connections, and she's always been very respectful yet honest about it. She's not upset that people associate them and she doesn't act like it's not a factor. But she does make it clear that she wants to pursue these things without piggybacking off of someone else. She even said recently that her and Chan made the decision for him to not hear the song till it was publicly released. So keeping things very separate. Anyways, about the song itself: I personally loved it! I've been playing it loads since it came out and I'm still not sick of it hahaha. Lyrics wise, there are lines that I'm not positive if it truly HAS a deeper meaning I'm not understanding, or if they are purely written for the sake of poetic imagery. Either way works for me. Very pretty. Cant wait to see where she goes from here. This was a fantastic start. I'm very curious to see if she incorporates any dancing into her future music projects. She's had training as a dancer and is very very talented.

K-pop Auntie

Interesting. I didn't know she is trained as a dancer. Seems like a more interpretative contemporary style may suit this kind of music.

your name here

A true younger sibling move: At 19, Chan gets his chance to debut by leading and co-producing his own group. At 19, Hannah starts her own production company, presells her debut album with her manager, directs her own M/V, and markets it. I'm incredibly happy for her and hope she continues to forge her own artistic path.