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Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zINLmUrAAE0


Logbook 114



Helloooo. Not caught up yet, on a bus between jobs, thought I'd mention a couple other things that are out already that aren't on their channels. Fan art museum on Hello 82, which is fun Half of them did a physical strength test on kbs kpop. In case you were wondering how many sit-ups they can do in as minute, now's your chance Bouncy, This World and Outlaw were performed at the showcase from the new album. I've seen them on YouTube if you'd like a performance when you get to the b-sides. They did somee older ones too. I wasn't too sure about the teaser clips, but the performances sold me.I can't wait for more! I also am dying waiting to see them back on Immortal Songs!

K-pop Auntie

Are they for sure going back on Immortal Songs? I think the fan art and the strength test are what I'll start with today. I should be able to get through both of them.


Yes! They already recorded the episode and it airs on Saturday. They did a song called Windy Road which I found and listened to. They are gonna destroy that stage!


I'm older than you and let's see... I don't know if I'd do a high touch. I mean, if I won one somehow, sure. Might as well. I actually think I'd prefer just a moment and a touch than being expected to speak to them. What would I say? Hi, I like it when you're weird? I think... if the opportunity presented it'self, I'd do it, but I wouldn't go out of my way to make it happen.


it is very cool doing the Hi-Touch. the only experiences I've had were after a play the actors will line up and as you walk out you can give them a high five and say a few words. and as somebody who also acts in plays it very encouraging. also people were doing hi-touches for a long time before covid but it because more popular during and after covid. lastly I think I would do the hi-touch if it was free and I was already there for the concert because why not but I wouldn't pay for it. I also don't know if you have t pay because I've never looked into it I'm a younger ATINY (I about to turn 19 tomorrow when typing this but my birthday is the 17th of June)


Aww, poor Autumn, I'm sure she's the best jumper in the whole world! I'm both shy and introverted, so a high touch event would never have been enjoyable for me, no matter my age. But, like poshpenny said, -maybe- if I got a ticket for free....? Just to have done it, I guess, as a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I don't know. I don't quite see myself enjoying it, but I also feel like I'd be disappointed in myself if I didn't do it, after somehow getting the chance. Also, I'm about 90% sure that high-touch existed prior to the pandemic, because I remember hearing that they had to change it due to the pandemic. Back when covid was more prevalent, the idols stood behind plexiglass and everyone just waved at each other as the fans went past.

K-pop Auntie

Totally the best jumper in the world *side-eyes Autumn as she struggles to pull herself onto the kitchen counter to eat*