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Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkRu2wTluz4


DLC Video Making Film


Pauline R

All the good vibes. A very enjoyable video indeed. :)

Katja van den Berg

Such a lovely making video!! I always love them, as you know, but this one was so different. Danceracha got their spotlight and they really took it. It was so fun to see them doing their free style dance segments. And to hear that it really was the whole idea to get Seungmin to dance, to get drawn in. And them on the roof (for a few minutes Dutch stays were going crazy thinking it was the roof of the Dutch embassy, but it was probably the building right next to it hahaha) was just so much fun. I'd completely missed them being called out as well. And that made me love that part even more. the segment in the cafe was fun too. Innie with the bucket and mop again (like in Maniac). I wasn't sure Chan and Binnie were freestyling that convo, but had a feeling. So it was really nice seeing that confirmed. And Chan acting like he'd been hit and when the director asked if he was okay "oh I'm fine" hahahahaa the immediate change in tone and expression. Fantastic. good luck with all the Ateez content.

K-pop Auntie

Good luck with all the content, she says. I opened up my YT homepage this morning to be assaulted with ALL the new SKZ and ATZ content. Seriously, boys. This was a fun one. It seemed like a very loose and free style.

Cassandra Leigh

I adore how this whole video was essentially a freestyle. It felt a little like their old street videos almost in its freedom, though obviously not exactly like that. I wish they were able to do the street videos again but the days of them being unrecognisable and able to just be dorks with a camera along the street without getting interrupted are over i believe

K-pop Auntie

Those days are probably over, yeah. But who knows. They may be big enough on the other hand that they can take over a park or street block and go wild.