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Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rryk_1y3KjM


Tingle Interview



haha I love asmr so this was great for me! I appreciate you watching this even if you were cringing through it! 🤣


Felix and Lee Know also did a tingle interview a few years ago and that was fun as well!

K-pop Auntie

That must have been the one I've seen clips of. I'll have to watch that at some point.

Katja van den Berg

Hahhahaha love your reaction to the asmr-eating. Yeah, not a fan of eating sounds, although with some of them I can handle it. Did think the questions were really fun and their answers were hilarious at times. The way I interpreted Seungmin saying Hyunjin isn't cute to him, is that the Hyunjin he sees is either more calm and quiet or very charismatic, as on stage. That charismatic side of Hyunjin is far from cute of course. As to the ages they mentioned: in December 2022 Korean parliament voted to go with international age. No more social age, where you're 1 the day you're born and turn a year older on January 1st. And that new law goes into effect on June 28 this year. Bubble came up in the interview. And the group chat. The question was about their private group chat. But on Bubble you have three features. ONe is their personal Bubble that you can subscribe to. The members post messages there (Felix posted a whopping 157 last night between 4 and 5 am my time) and you can react. You don't see other people's reactions, but the idol CAN read yours. Then there's the Bubble community. Everyone who bought the fankit has access. At first we thought it was just a community were we could all interact as fans. We can read each other's posts and react. Like any social media. And then suddenly the members started responding. And recently they added a group chat feature to the Bubble Community. Which works more like the personal Bubble, but it looks like a big group chat with all the members. And you can respond. And can only see your own response. Not other people's. Well, that was more about Bubble than you ever wanted to know.

K-pop Auntie

Yeah, neither of them do much aegyo, even though they do have things that most Stay find very cute, I'm sure. Thanks for the rundown on the Bubble chat features. I would never have known. 157 messages?! So Felix is THAT kind of drunk, lonely boyfriend lol.

Katja van den Berg

Hahaha yes, I guess he is. AND the type to put every other word in a new message. Which, unfortunately, does not help with the autotranslate feature on Bubble. LOL


this was fun i actually have a asmr playlist to sleep to and it now has this interview and the others they have done, like the Felix and Lee Know one and the Felix and I.N one. And yeah definitely just do what content (if anything because you sound busy) you feel like doing we will be here for whatever you do

K-pop Auntie

I can definitely see this being something nice to fall asleep to. Just not my reaction to it lol.

Cassandra Leigh

I'm liking this video simply because i watched your intro, and then i noped out as soon as the guys started talking. I'm with you on this one... asmr is some people's thing... it most certainly is not mine though hahaha

K-pop Auntie

Right?! I had quite a few moments of shuddering, but I endured. The things I do for you all.