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SKZ-Talker Ep57


Pauline R

They definitely have something going on with Samsung haha, the Apple products are blurred. S-Class has a fun choreography to perform in my opinion but dang does it look exhausting! No wonder they pile up to nap in the green rooms. These pictures they took as a group in the stairs are such SKZ pictures haha. And yeah, Han and crowds, he doesn't like them but he handles them better than I ever could dispite his nerves. Good luck with that half cow! Lovely ASMR by the way.

Katja van den Berg

I really like how you did this talker, with all the stages at the right spots. I actually had only seen the Talker without subtitles until now, so this felt like the first time watching it. I didn't really know Joohoney, except for a reactor completely tearing him apart in a very rude way, which actually made me listen to Freedom hahaha. I can't imagine their comeback schedules...I know they always really look forward to it, and I know that feeling, but it's also exhausting. So I can see the napping in between. Hmm Han...I know that he posted on Bubble a few days before Comeback, that he had a cold. He'd gone to the clinic and was taking meds. So I actually thought he was still getting over the cold. But since he wasn't there today at MCountdown for the opening stage and the mini fanmeeting...I wonder if you're right and it's more his anxiety that was playing up than the cold last weekend. Anyway...the wins are coming in....second win today, highest sales numbers in Kpop history...Yes, biggest comeback sounds about right. Good luck with the cow and packing the freezer.

K-pop Auntie

I think I found a groove with this kind of content. I like being able to have this behind the scenes type content right along with the actual stages. It helps me connect all the dots.


I really like how you decided to watch the stages with the specific skz talker bc I feel like that gives you a better idea of what's going on during the talkers, rly clever idea. And about Han, I saw a lot of Korean stays on Twitter say that he hasn’t been like himself since the comeback started and I feel like it’s very apparent when you watch their stages and their variety stuff such as Idol Human theater, their latest interviews etc etc. He just isn’t himself. Han is my ultimate bias and I've probably watched every single piece of content with him in it. Now I don’t want to say that I know him because I obviously don’t know him personally but I feel like I have a good enough grasp of his personality (on camera at least) to notice when something is wrong. And I don’t like to assume things or speculate on idols mental health and stuff because they have a right to privacy however I can’t help but worry. His anxiety is something he's talked about before and it’s something we can see that he still struggles with to this day which I think is the case for lots of people who suffer from anxiety (me included). And I can’t help but notice certain parallels between this comeback and what happened back in 2019 before he went on hiatus when we first heard about his struggles with anxiety. He was very distant during interviews and other variety content and then the hiatus was announced. And since Han is such a hard worker I have a feeling he might be waiting for the comeback to be over since he was rly excited for it and then maybe he'll go on a hiatus or something, who knows? Whatever happens I just hope he feels better soon, I'm sure he knows what's best for himself so I just hope he makes the right decision and takes it easy.

K-pop Auntie

Let's hope that it's nerves and exhaustion at this point. Watching all this content, I can see that SKZ is doing quite a few things they haven't done before, or at least on a scale they haven't done before. The nationally broadcast variety shows, the sheer amount of content. I'm sure it's nerve-wracking. And incredibly tiring. Han was one of the guys who was fast asleep in the waiting room. I do have confidence that they know their limits and that Han would be extremely supported both by SKZ and by Stay if he needed to take a few days off. But, it may not be at that point at all. He could just be really tired. It's usually Lee Know who lets it show in his body language and detached facial expressions when he just doesn't have the energy and isn't into being an entertainer at the moment. Maybe he's rubbing off of Han.

Katja van den Berg

I've told a few of my Stay-friends already: it's so clear that the other members and the managers take very good care of Han (and each other actually). He did have a cold last week. That doesn't help with all this. You need to be 100% well in order to have the energy for all this hard work. But it's nothing too worrying. And if it's anxiety, they all know how to deal with it. He's in great hands. Also, him being sound asleep in the waiting room is actually a pretty good sign in my book. So...I am not too worried. Not saying I hadn't noticed and wasn't thinking similar thoughts...but I'm not too worried.

your name here

Very happy to help! A.D.T.O.Y. is a 2PM song (All I Do is Think of You) - it's known for the sexy hip dance move that Hyunjin does (since 2pm is generally known for a more mature "sexy" concept).