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Back to the groups and songs I've bookmarked (with your help) to come back to for more.

LibidO by OnlyOneOf was a co-winner of the poll last week and is scheduled for YouTube today.

These are mostly options that would go up on YouTube.

By all means, feel free to mention other groups and songs in the comments. It's how I know what y'all are looking for more of.

You can pick multiple, and I will do my darnedest to react to the winners asap.



Can’t wait for you to experience onlyoneof one of these days!


Glad you liked the music! Also I knew you were an editor but I didn’t know that kind of editor! That’s so interesting

K-pop Auntie

Mostly fictional literature. And most of it has erotic content, so it's pretty darned hard to make me blush after 10 years of doing this.