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Original video: https://www4.myasiantv.cc/kshow/finding-skz/episode-2


Katja van den Berg

One of my favourite episodes, favourite content even. Mostly because the Aussie boys are home and Chan gets to take them to his home and meet his parents. And also, because, looking back on the past 4 years...it's hard to imagine that they haven't been back since. And will now. Anyway, yes, this is lovely. All I know is that Salty Tours is a South Korean tv show. Couldn't tell you any of the references too it, other than that. But loved the whole guide tour concept. Seungmin...savage, although I can see why he felt the three of them had it a bit rough with the lunch part. That must have been a little bit more stressful for them than it was for the others, who were with Felix or Chan. And yes, they were SO young. This was...2018...no, I had to check, it was 2019. Aired in March, but filmed in February. So the three of them were all still 18. I mean, people travel at that age, and alone, but it's still pretty daunting, especially if you don't know the language well. And have people in your group that do....but let you figure it out alone hahahahaha. Loved that he did that though. french fries - fries....funny, when I grew up, all we had was patat, which is the type of fries that is bigger, thicker. Then MacDonalds entered our lives and we discovered french fries, which were then called....french fries (or Franse frietjes). So yes, there is a distinction. Looking forward to the next ep!! This series is so nice to watch.

K-pop Auntie

This is a fun series. It's a treat going back to some of their early content and begin reminded of just how young they were when this all began. Still the same guys for the most part, which is awesome to see.

Brenna K

Oh man, okay, sorry If this turns into a long rant but I just gotta talk about that part when Chan takes the guys to that playground. As you pointed out, the guys LOVE to bully Chan constantly, and most of the tour is filled with them giving him bad reviews and jokingly complaining about little stuff, lol. And then the playground was EASILY the most simplistic and "boring" location of the day. It's just a little kiddie playground with some picnic tables in the middle of a regular neighborhood. Nothing special, right? Nothing to do really, nothing fun to see, or food to eat. Just a little grassy lawn and some swings. It would have been SO easy for all of them to tease Chan about taking them there, complain about being bored, wanting to move on. But they don't. Because even if it's just a little grassy lawn and some swings, it's a place that's really special to Chan. And he wanted to share that special place with them, some of the most special people in his life. And of course, because Chan is special to them too, they all appreciate it and even refer to it as "the best part of the whole day" even though all they did was lay in a patch of grass. I just think that's a super sweet moment. A great example of knowing when to tease your friends and when you should lay off the teasing and just be there for them. And then you just see Chan taking it all in. All his favorite guys in his favorite place. Must have been a great feeling.

K-pop Auntie

Great job pointing that out. A great observation. Compared to going to a zoo to see kangaroos and koalas or going downtown Sydney for some good food, a kiddie park could have seemed like a lame stop. But. It was Chan sharing a very specific memory with his new family. And the guys recognized that. And sat on him.

Brenna K

Lol, I think at this point, sitting on each other is simply its own love language within SKZ 😂


To your chips question over here in the uk we call fries-chips and potato chips - crisps


btw, they're currently touring in Australia and when the members shouted Aussie aussie aussie, the crowd screamed oi oi oi hahahahah nice moment


yep~ usually, we see our Lee Know being a tsundere and refusing Chan's love on camera but stays catch him often being affectionate towards Chan when the camera is not focusing on them heheheheh totally a tsundere. and its so adorable how he often rides Chan's back during concerts and skz talkers~ he really becomes a little child when he is around Chan Chan is a typical overachiever lol look at those medals for swimming and good grades. How people even get that many? i have 1...for finishing the 1st grade haahahah


Those lambs are so famous in Stayville. Chan has been promoting them a lot ahhaha If i remember correctly, u watched the 1st episode of Mystery kitchen right? In one of the episodes, they made this Chan's parent's style lamb for Chan

K-pop Auntie

From what I've seen/heard, Chan and Lee Know really do seem to rely on each other a lot. It looks like they have a special relationship as the two eldest.

K-pop Auntie

Have I watched the first episode of Mystery Kitchen? Good question. So much content...

Cassandra Leigh

I don’t know if anybody mentioned this to you about finding skz the first season, but the premise of it was basically “Stray kids training to participate in variety shows”. That’s why each episode is basically a skz version of well known variety shows that idols and other celebrities go on (eg, episode one being running man, episode two salty tour, etc) 

I love that they went to sea life! The aquarium and indoor zoo in darling harbour is really fun! Yes that crocodile was real. Being that big means it was a saltwater croc and those can grow up to 6m long and weigh about 1 tonne. The girl crocs and freshwater crocs are usually about half that, but the ones that get talked about or that get caught because they become a menace are usually those big guy ones. Its one of the reasons we learn to never go swimming in rivers where you cant see through the water. If one grabs you and starts to death roll you arent making it back out. I love Chans tour guide questions and the little prizes he prepared for them as well. 

We 100% do the Aussie Aussie Aussie OI OI OI… you can’t NOT do it. Its such an ingrained response even from when we’re little. Its very fun though. I agree that its fun to sometimes try your home countries food when you are visiting a foreign place because it does often end up being not quite what you expect. 

Yes our money is see through! Its plastic so its hard to damage and its very colourful too. Each one is a different colour (eg $50 notes are yellow so we often call them pineapples) and a slightly different size (they get longer as the denomination gets higher. Its so those that have impaired vision can use a sizing tool to know what money they are using). The see through parts have imprints and such in them that are hard to replicate so it reduces counterfeiting. 

 Both chips are just chips. If you want to specify you say hot chips for “fries”. Ah I also want to share one moment when they get to the park and chan and felix say the sky is so high and its comforting. You might be familiar since you have said you don’t live in a big city, but when I was living in Japan, there aren’t that many places where you can see the horizon, or see a wide view of the sky without some building in the way. One of the things I missed the most about Australia when I was living overseas is just how much greenery and nature and open spaces we have. Its not something I missed until I was living in dense cities in a different country. I totally get what Chan and Felix said in their two kids room about just missing seeing nature. 

 Ah lamb!! Lamb is such a common thing here in Australia. It was strange to me to realise that its not particularly common in a lot of other places. Its delicious and such a flavour I associate with home that I can understand why its Chans favourite.

 Sorry for the giant comment, I just wanted to share so many things *literally bouncing in my seat typing all this up hahaha*

K-pop Auntie

Thank you for the awesome response. So much great info. Never knew how intricate the Aussie dollar is. Kind of fascinating. I can totally understand missing being able to see wide expanses of sky. One of the things I didn't realize I missed until I went to college in a bigger town was being able to look up and see a huge sky full of stars at night. The city lights make them all fade away. One of these days, I'd love to visit Australia. Maybe if my niece keeps dating her Aussie boyfriend...

Cassandra Leigh

Fingers crossed you have an excuse to come visit Aus one day! The older i get the more i find to appreciate about my home (i do of course love to travel and learn stuff about other places too) but as i gain more life experience and perspective i just, appreciate more of the as yet unnoticed things.