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Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ek0MR0qmYUc


Katja van den Berg

I cant remember if Stays figured out where Chan was those first few rehearsals. I tend to be the type to think he must have been in a meeting or something practical like that, but your remark about him holding his stomach or hand/arm made me wonder. And I know its something Stays always pick up on and analyse...and research....but no, can't remember. Gosh, didn't realise you hadn't seen the last making of's yet. Yikes. And I have a feeling we'll be getting a lot of content in the next few weeks...two months... good luck. Haha.


At the beginning of the video Chan was the one wearing the long shirt/skirt whatever he was wearing and then he disappeared I think he was tired or something because he looked different the entire time which doesn’t surprise me but it still saddens me

K-pop Auntie

Yeah, the man works himself ragged. He loves what he does and is driven to do it, but dang.