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Original videos:

Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDJ-vwzD5oo

Lyrics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpMswBQMLXU


Yelena Ignatova

That would be - dark red fire, light up The world, turn the earth upside down. I’d say the better translation would be Let the dark red fire light up the world, turn the earth upside down.


OK I pulled the lyrics out of my album, and it is "take me to high way." You have to take everything with a grain of salt though, the English in their songs is often a bit dodgy. Like when they say "Dance like a flamingo" while standing with flamenco dancers. Korean grammar... ah. Korean grammar is why it is the hardest language in the world for English speakers. I've seen polyglots whose native language is Russian, Portuguese, Hungarian say the same thing. I will tell you what I can from my super beginner learning. First they move the verb because Korean sentences end in the verb. It's usually (at least formally? so far for me) Subject, object, verb. You have to go through the whole sentence before you find out what's happening! So something like A man rides an elephant in the park. Would look like Man(subject marker) park elephant(object marker) ride(to be) I've heard that's flexible but I've yet to come across that. All I know is the day I think I understand something, it's different the next sentence. Then it can't usually be directly translated. Unless maybe the sentence is simple. It has to be interpreted. That's why I mostly gave up on lyric videos. I think a lot of them translate too directly. They do the words instead of forming the meaning into a coherent sentence in English. Plus euphemisms and slang. Like in Mingi's part of Blind, there is a phrase like "I don't care about front or back" but that's a euphemism for "I'm not picky." Add their poetic asses and their love of wordplay and... I gave up. Unless I happen across a twitter post or a Korean American reactor explaining something, I just get the gist and go with that. I usually wait for you to try to plow through it. LOL Often if one of the guys has been on PMs or live, I'll see three fluent ATINY translate, and all will say something slightly different. There are times every so often where they beg people not to translate unless they are fully fluent because it leads to BIG misunderstandings. Korean is HARD, especially without a teacher. It's super fun to pick up on stuff though.

K-pop Auntie

Thank you for the basic grammar rundown. I'm not entirely unfamiliar with shoving the verb to end, but it does make for interesting reading sometimes lol. And yeah, all of what you are saying reinforces to me that learning Korean would not help a whole lot with sussing out the lyrics. As you say, there is poetic language, euphemisms, parable and cultural references, slang, puns, and all manner of shenanigans going on in song lyrics. It would take a deep dive into the entire Korean culture (popular and traditional), literature, history, geography and its nuances, media trends, you name it, in order to really understand what is going on. Which is why I keep putting trying to learn anything but being able to pronounce the Hangul off for "later".