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Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kzosf3zko4


Katja van den Berg

Surprised? Maybe not..impressed? Absolutely!! As you say: he just keeps getting better and better. And he is very versatile. He is learning to do more things with his voice. And it's fantastic. You mentioned in the beginning the fact that guys' voices continue to change into their twenties. Yep..thats a part of it. Its a combination of natur change in his voice, maturing, and a LOT of work in vocal training. I can't imagine the hours he puts into that. So many. But it is paying off and its clearly also that which relaxed him and brings him joy. I canNOT wait for the next album..it is going to be insane. Two hours ago they dropped another Skz replay, btw: Han and Seungmin's Respirator. And well...we see the journey continued. Ah almost forgot to mention that we know from Seungmin's and Hyunjjn's bubble messages that Seungmin listens to Radiohead in the waiting room and thats why Hyunjin suggested this to him for Song By.


I always surprised by him. This cover was amazing