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The never-ending saga of...


Katja van den Berg

Omg that is turning into a soap opera. Sold..not sold...sold...not sold...geesh. I can only imagine the frustration. I can't blame your realtor for keeping it listed now. But hopefully this third time is the one that works out. And the kittens...frigging adorable. The other cats too, of course. My week? Busy busy busy..keeps me off the street and keeps the bills paid. Also wrote three songs. One of them in the middle of the night. My team yelled a bit when they saw the time stamp on my e-mail. And a Stay-friend asked if I was trying to follow Chan's example. Nope, but I completely understand that you're most creative during the night lol

K-pop Auntie

I've never been a fan of soap operas... As long as the busyness is keeping you off the streets lol. Three songs. Way to go!


OMG the house drama! I hope you have something soft to punch. I can't wait to tune in next week and see what happens on the next exciting episode. Grace is super cute in the sheet My week has been delightful. My birthday was nice, tiring and FULL of ATEEZ! I left the details elsewhere so I won't rehash them here. Fingers crossed for this buyer!

K-pop Auntie

Hopefully next week's house drama will just be a slice-of-life romcom. Happy birthday!