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Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fb1_JRTT0AI


Katja van den Berg

Aawww Innie was so nervous!! The diet-stuff is something that gets fans all worked up...but I get it. Even though I don't like it much. The fittings might entail some last minute adjustments. It's one thing to have measurements, but then you have to do those final touches. Although, in this case I doubt they really did many of those. Its probably just making sure it all looks the best. A direct flight from Seoul to Paris is a little over 14 hhahaha hours. Enough to get a good sleep in. And the time difference at the time of the show was 8 hours. Korea doesn't have daylight savings time so now that other countries have changed to what my country calls "summer time" the time difference is 7 hours.

K-pop Auntie

OK, that's a longer time and greater time difference than I was expecting. Hopefully he got a lot of sleep in. Even if he was hungry.

Brenna K

Finally bingeing through some of your SKZ catch up I've missed!! (Okay WOW i need to preemptively apologize for the sheer length of this comment, but this just happened to be something I'd been thinking about a lot recently so it just sort of spilled out of me lol) Yeah, to tag on to the diet talk discussion, I see a lot of fans get truly bothered by it. Which could be because they struggle with the topic personally, or purely out of concern for the guys, or both. Hearing the guys (and all kpop idols) nit-pick their weight and skip meals in an already exhausting lifestyle definitely makes me sympathize with the pressure they're under to look a certain way. At the same time, I feel like some fans aren't willing to acknowledge that it's just the reality of their occupation. Their appearance will always impact their career and their popularity and it's been shown time and time again that when an idol puts on small bit of weight it just immediately becomes the topic of conversation in the media and they receive hate for it. I'm not saying it's right, just that it's the reality. So understandably, they take pretty strict measures to make sure that doesn't happen. It just always frustrates me a tiny bit when people act like the MEMBERS are doing something wrong by taking measures to fit the beauty standards, or that they're doing something wrong by acknowledging it. I understand it can be a complex topic with complex emotions for people who have negative personal experiences with diet and weight talk. But if i'm honest, I'm actually kind of glad that the members talk about it openly if that makes sense? It's tough to maintain looking as "perfect" as they're expected to be and i'm thankful they don't hide that. The diet, the workouts, the dermatologist appointments, the body hair removal, the makeup, the skin care, the bleach and hair dye. Just the work that goes into LOOKING the way they do is probably verging on a full time job sometimes, let alone in addition to what their ACTUAL job is, lol. So I really do appreciate when SKZ and other groups are honest about the skipped meals, the damaged hair, the skin problems from constant makeup, all the pressure they're under. Because to me, the only thing that would make the situation feel more toxic than those standards would be if idols were expected to act like those standards didn't exist, and that they didn't have to make sacrifices to meet them.

K-pop Auntie

It does make sense to be glad that this is talked about openly. There's a lot of sacrifice that goes into that. I see the "glow up" of kpop stars mentioned sometimes, and a big part of me things: OF COURSE they have a "glow up". If any one of us took care of our bodies the way they do, it would have the same effect. The difference is 98.5% of us aren't willing to do everything these guys do in order to have their aesthetics. And I think there's also at least an added measure of these guys being young, handsome men who WANT to look good. Like so many guys, they want the muscles, they want to be lean, and they want to be strikingly handsome. That means having the discipline to not eat whatever they want whenever they want. #1, eating disorders are not good; people should be in-taking proper caloric and nutritional diets. #2, fasting for even several days at a time on occasion does not mean proper caloric and nutritional diets are not being met. Basically, I have faith in the boys and their managers that they are eating healthy.