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Good news yet again!


Katja van den Berg

Aawww frigging adorable. They grow so fast, don't they! Lovely to see this every week. Congrats on the house sale!! And a better offer at that. I seem to remember you mentioning that the first offer was a little lower than you had hoped, so I am glad to hear you got a better offer our of the sale falling through. Gosh a year... that's a long time. Hmm I recognise what you say about needing multiple things going on at the same time. I need diversity in my activities/work, need to be busy. When things are too slow I end up getting....I don't want to use the word lazy, but it's so hard to get motivated when things are too slow. But there comes a moment when it's TOO busy and then I get the same results as too slow. Finding that balance has always been very important for me. Anyway...off to watch the new Skz video!

K-pop Auntie

Yeah, trying to find that balance of too busy and not busy enough is optimal. I feel like I'm finally starting to get some equilibrium back and having a "normal" routine again.